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Happy Cow
"I tried to fence off a bit of infinity for myself. It felt safe, manageable. Then I realised that fences in infinity serve only to fence you in."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Love silently whispers to me that it knows nothing of the word impossible."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If you choose always to be rational, yours will be a very meagre ration."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"You may begin to find that what you refer to as 'growth' is just a gradual process of unlearning what is not and remembering what is."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The bottom line is there is no bottom line."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If you can face emptiness despite your fear, you will discover Love. For emptiness is the no-place where mind stops judging and heart starts loving."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"There was nothing to do. There was nothing to see. Bored out of my mind I touched love. Love was me."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The reason we are lost in confusion is because we reject the total fusion that is our Reality."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Reasons are not needed.
They are totally made up.
If you drop your need for reasons
You can drink from any cup."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I try never to take thought seriously. It totally ruins the enjoyment of it."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The pursuit of dreams is a great way of ensuring we remain soundly asleep."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"They told me that life was a struggle and I made the mistake of believing them for far too long."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"In the phrase 'things have been going from bad to worse', if you take the words 'bad' and 'worse' and replace them with the words 'giraffe' and 'sausage', things don't seem nearly as bad."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"During the process of trying to make sense of things it became apparent that trying to make sense of things makes no sense. From that day forth I became sensibly nonsensical."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The genie said with a giggle that I could have whatever my heart desired. The cunning fiend knew all along that hearts desire nothing.
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Right outside your door are countless wonderful things patiently waiting for you to step out of thought and take a look."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Great minds kept telling me 'who you are is the sum of your thoughts'. I had no wish to be a bunch of thoughts, so I just stopped adding them up."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"They fill us up with 'knowledge'.
We forget we have a choice.
They feed us so much noise
That we can't hear our silent voice.
The good news is at any time
That 'knowledge' can be dropped
And this mental domination
Will be permanently stopped."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"'Be like us and we'll like you!' they said. I chose Freedom and Love instead."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"It is such a shame that Doctors of Philosophy hardly ever try to cure anyone from the disease."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"A lover never keeps accounts."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"To know that there is infinite choice and not to exercise it. Who could have imagined what joy that brings?"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I searched and searched for some problems but could not find any. Then an old man told me that problems cannot be found. We have to make them up."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"After reading a number of 'self-help' books, one day I laughed out loud at the realisation that trying to help my self was the very thing preventing happiness."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If you think something is true, it isn't."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If life seems like a struggle, adjust your seems."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Through thought we can perfect the art of doing with ever greater efficiency things that don't need doing."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"My dog does not need an excuse to love. My children don't need any reasons to be happy. Why should I?"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Hands up all those who think it is OK to tell social etiquette to f**k off. Please. Thank you."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Waiting for a reason to love and be happy is a bit like a dolphin waiting for a reason to swim and eat fish."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Must we use 'must'? Do things have to be? Or may we remain Unbounded and free?"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Trying to make Love into a contract is rather like trying to catch a hurricane in a shoe box."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"All 'isms' are just an extension of egotism."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Not doing is looked down upon in our culture such that we use words like 'excuse' in place of 'reason for not doing'. Few question this maniacal obsession with doing, doing , doing. Consider for a moment that much of the time, nothing needs to be done and you don't need an excuse. Relax. Enjoy the view. The world will keep turning."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If your love requires effort, it is not love."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Little ego keeps making up problems and trying to convince me that they belong to me. Be quiet little ego. Tell your drama to the Drama Queen. Love is singing its song of freedom and effortless joy."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"A young dog suffering from belief refuses to learn anything. An old dog free from belief will go on learning new tricks until the day he dies."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Thought keeps on thinking either / or. Reality is invariably neither / both. No wonder we get confused!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I recently visited Hawaii. To the west was the Far East and to the east was The West. That's the kind of thing that always happens when you try to divide up a continuum using only two concepts."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Celebrate your perfectly wonderful imperfection. That is your uniqueness. That is the irreplaceable gift you bring to the world."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I am neither a pessimist nor an optimist. I simply don't bother with the future at all. Life is NOW!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I don't have any possessions. A bunch of stuff just happens to live in the same flat as I do."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Truth is not something found, but something re-discovered. Sweep away all the crap you have accumulated on top of it and there it still is - incredibly simple, pure, undisturbed, just as it was in early childhood before the dust began to gather."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I remembered the joy of waking up as a young child, before I had been taught any reasons to be unhappy. I remembered the thrill of having no idea what was going to happen and yet having absolutely no fear."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"However bad your situation may seem, it will seem considerably less bad if you stop bloody whingeing about it."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Matters of the heart are the only matters that matter."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"One day, to my surprise, I saw clearly what LIEs as the centre of every beLIEf?"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Every single one of you carries unique genius which is lost behind a thick veil of so-called 'knowledge' imposed by formal education. The purpose of state education is to suppress this innate genius, because all governments know that genius cannot be governed."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"When I find myself struggling with a serious problem, the first solution I always try is to stop taking it seriously. It turns out this works every time!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"She told me she was totally against discrimination, before going on to list which other things she thought were good or bad. I decided not to laugh out loud until after she had left."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Leave a small child alone with some dolls and see how quickly they start to animate and create stories with them. Leave them with some blank paper and some colours and see how quickly a picture is created. Creativity is the fulfilment of Being. Formal education systematically snuffs it out and replaces it with productivity. No wonder life can feel so unfulfilling."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If for just a few moments you can stop thinking about getting better, you will begin to realise that you have never been unwell."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Just for a day dare to live life without the comfort of pre-conceived ideas, knowledge and belief. Just for a day taste the infinite freedom and Love of Life with no opinion."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I keep hearing talk about 'God's love'. As if infinite Love can be possessed. As if an infinite god would bother about possession. Take away either one of the words and you get much closer to Truth. Take away both and there it is."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Priests and politicians never want anyone to actually be happy now. When someone is happy now, they have absolutely no need for priests or politicians. That is why priests and politicians go on encouraging you to dream of a brighter future, because that way they know you will never actually be happy, and they will always have power over you."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Just for a few days, try wanting to be who you already are and see how that feels."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The fact of the matter is that matter is not really a fact and facts do not really matter."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Sometimes people fall out with me, but it doesn't really matter as long as I don't fall out with them."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I think everyone should have the right to believe anything they wish. It makes no sense to deliberately restrict the number of ways you can be made to laugh out loud."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"One of the main differences between children and adults is that children pretend and happily admit it, whereas adults pretend and pretend that they are not pretending."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"When your either/or becomes neither/nor, you will find the key to the prison door."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I respect people's beliefs in the same way that I respect other types of comedy. The comedy is clearly absurd but the comedian is wonderful."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Folks keep telling me that I am living in a fantasy world. Absolutely I am! But so are they. The only difference is that I have realised it and they have not. And so, like a lucid dreamer, I can revel in the fantasy."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"When in Rome, do whatever you want."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"It's all very well encouraging me to believe in my self, but how am I supposed to decide which one?"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I perhaps should warn you in advance that if it is respect you seek to seek it elsewhere. I gave up respecting my self several years ago. I am hardly likely to take up the ridiculous game again to accomodate your pomposity."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"And the more she tried to fix the world, the more she felt utterly broken."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Listen everyone, I have a Shiny Future for you. It is just around the corner. All you have to do is buy my book at an AMAZING discount price. Once and for all your problems will be solved. You may have bought similar books before, but this one is different. I really DO know how you can create that Shiny Future. Just look at my teeth! Now, step one, slowly open your wallet."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The main reason I chose to write for Happy Cow was because to my astonishment I realised that my entire life story was summed up by her eyebrows."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"And the seventh of 12 and a half steps on the TRUE path to ENLIGHTENMENT is 8 months of intensive beer and elephant riding. That is beer drinking. Do not try to ride the beer. That won't work. Beer is not a vehicle. Anyway. Come back soon, I will publish the other steps as soon as I have made them up."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Just a very simple shift from searching for and believing others' nonsense to making up your own nonsense."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"No-one can fool me with their bullshit, because for every bullshit they try to push as truth or fact, I can just make up a counter-bullshit which negates it. For every bullshit, there is an equal and opposite re-bullshit. Ah, sweet freedom."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"She was seeking a happy ending in the endless and just could not understand why it never came."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"They will remind you that your life is just not good enough and then offer you a fabulous solution. And for a while that solution may feel really good, like a blessed relief, but sooner or later relentless time will catch up with it and expose its delusionary nature, and you will be left with just one more entry on your list of reminders to choose judgement instead of Love."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The notion of unlimited abundance is the best excuse for greed we have so far come up with."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Bullshit doesn't stop being bullshit just because you stop calling it religion and start calling it spirituality."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Bring me your pretension. Bring me your self-importance. Bring me your seriousness. Bring me your 'problems'. Bring me your self. Together we will laugh them away and become each other."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Tragedy is always the result of comedy not understood. And comedy is always the result of tragedy not taken seriously."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Left without any choice I let go my desperate fearful grip and realised I could fly."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The extent to which you take yourself seriously is the extent to which you will be faced with serious problems."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The notion that we become what we think is a bit like a child considering that (s)he becomes his or her Lego house."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"And as the 'I' changes, the reflection changes. Revolution. Turmoil. Conflict. It is funny watching world politics. Nobody seems to notice it is just 'Meet the Fockers' on a slightly larger scale and without Dustin."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I used to think that I was loving, until I realised Love was meing."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"On the contrary, I absolutely respect your right to think, write or talk as much bollocks as you care to make up."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"She so badly wanted to hear that she was special, so I called my friend who sold used cars for a living."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"No, of course there is nothing wrong with making up problems and then striving to solve them. How can there be? The concept 'wrong' is itself made up."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Sure, you can pretend that life is serious if you want to pretend that. It wouldn't be freedom otherwise."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Far too small to take hold of. Far too large to grasp."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"This emptiness is so full."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I just got a phone call telling me that life is a struggle and one must strive to be happy. Sorry, folks, I hadn't checked my e-mails for a while. I promise I will get onto that as soon as I have finished enjoying myself."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Once you have gone crazy, don't consult psychologists or psychiatrists to give your crazy a definition and a name. They know nothing about your unique kind of crazy."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Trying to improve yourself or another through practice or teaching is a bit like trying to make a tree better at treeing by showing it a book about fish."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"You imagine something and then you imagine lots of other things that appear to 'confirm' the first imagination. Carry on for long enough and this self-hypnosis will form a belief."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"She was searching for something that would make the Earth move and did not take kindly to me reminding her that it is always moving at about 30km per second."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"How splendid it would be if every community had, as well as a doctor, a practitioner who one could visit and be repeatedly told that there is absolutely nothing wrong at all."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"'It is just a turn of phrase,' he said, without realising that the differences of each universe are created entirely by habitual turns of phrase."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"This spectacular game of eternal ad lib never ceases to thrill and amaze."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If resistance is resisted it is persistently persisted."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Saying or thinking 'I am [insert anything here] is very similar to saying or thinking 'all black people are [insert anything here]'. Have a try at refraining from self prejudice, whether positive or negative, and see how it feels."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"It is possible to please most of the people most of the time, but it requires a quite spectacular amount of lying."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Realising that it is just a ride does not in anyway mean one has to stop and get off."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Choosing to take thought seriously is like voluntarily walking into a prison cell and locking the door yourself."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Consider the progression of an artist's career as (s)he moves from fairly simple but still wonderful creations to more intricacy and complexity, subtelty and nuance. One might say the artist's career evloves. Now take a look at Life. What an utterly magnificent artist!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"If you are suffering from an illness, try praying to God, because he prefers medium sized organisms over tiny ones and so will be happy to ruthlessly kill thousands of pathogens on your behalf."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Logic is just imagination wearing blinkers."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"One day I decided to spend a week defending the reputation of a medium sized beech tree that lives in the nearby woods, instead of the reputation of the human body which I commonly refer to as Swifty. It soon became readily apparent how ridiculous the whole thing is."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Sense is always a human thought fabrication. That is why we have to strive to MAKE sense. It isn't already there. If you prefer to get closer to Life rather than thoughts about life, it helps to just admit up front that you are talking nonsense."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Only after discarding all BELIEF was I then free to BE LIFE."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Being disappointed with your self doesn't really matter all that much once you realise that self is just made up. It is a little bit like being disappointed with leprechauns."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"One day a good friend took me aside and said: 'Maybe you should stop looking for your soul mate and start looking for your soul, mate.'"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Do not look to anyone for answers, for those that have found the key, they will throw you back to yourself, again and again and again and again, until finally you realise, every question has no substance."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Just ask. Just for a few minutes. What does Love really mean? Not what Hollywood says. Not what the Good Book says. Not what TV and advertising and magazines say. Answer yourself. Look deeply. What does it really mean? Just ask. Just once. Really ask. Your life will never be the same again."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"It never ceases to amaze me what people can get themselves to believe just to avoid taking full responsibility for their lives."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Love delights in endlessly playing with itself, or to put that in terms major religions might understand, God is a total wanker."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"In life there are extroverts and introverts. Extroverts tend to treat introverts as if they are ill and try to 'fix' them. Speak up more! Go out more! Blow your own trumpet more! Be like us! Be like us! A little tip for all the pushy extroverts: FUCK OFF!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"The Cosmic Irony is that once you reach the level of consciousness at which you actually have any power to change your world, you will simultaneously realise that nothing needs changing at all. Like all the best jokes, this one makes you laugh out loud."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"One day I decided to stop coming to conclusions about Life. The moment I did so, it became very clear that Life will never come to a conclusion either."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"A million steps to dance to nowhere. A million words to say nothing at all. A million answers to pointless questions. Merrily answering Nature's call."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Thoughts are like bricks with which we build the wonderful houses that we call our lives. There are all kinds of bricks. There are all kinds of houses. There is no need to say 'these bricks are true' or 'this house is true, those other houses are false'. We can all just happily state 'this is my house and I love it'."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"Don't follow me for I am going nowhere. Believe me not for I have no knowledge. But if you wish, we can dance a while and taste the ecstasy together."
Swifty Flame-Anderson
"I'll be happy if..... I'll be happy when..... never now, always then. Then I will love..... then I'll be free....... when the world starts turning just for ME!!"
Swifty Flame-Anderson
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Happy Cow