Introduction - by Swifty Flame-Anderson
Imagine a large dinner hall crowded with hungry students eagerly awaiting
sustenance. Imagine the sound of many different conversations filling the
space, combining to form an unintelligible noise. Now imagine the room
silenced by one loud strike on the dinner gong.
Often as we move through our daily lives, mind's chatter seems to be
incessant, perhaps not always clear, but always there, like a white noise that
will not go away. Every once in a while comes a dinner-gong thought that
seems to silence the rest and then slowly subside, fading gradually, gradually
until a precious moment of absolute silence is reached.
This book contains some of the dinner-gong thoughts that have arisen from
no-where and resulted in that pocket of silence for a few brief moments. I
make no claim to any profound knowledge, wisdom or secrets. But the wonder
of silence is unmistakable, and perhaps if these thoughts had that effect once,
they can do so again somewhere, some-when. Each is reproduced together
with an image which has the same effect for me in the visual realm.
Come with me into the silence if you wish. There we can forget ourselves
and become each other.
With love. Swifty
Praise for Swifty's Writing
All the things I learned and accumulated were mixed up in my head; thousands of books and friends add every day more and more. I was at the point where I no more knew if it was an inner voice of my heart or my mind or others' - which was which? or parhaps all a witch!...sadly I had to put up with such a cacophony in my head - like the worst conductor who can't handle her choir. And all of a sudden I met Mr Anderson... who immediately (I have no idea how) started conducting all the books, ideas, knowledge I had in my mind or heart or whereever they were (do not care really) as now I have the music.. and my orchestra is playing with his the moment what I hear is like four seasons of Vivaldi.. You are an amazing conductor Anderson! THANK YOU with peace of mind and Love, Lerzan, Geneva
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