Once there was a planet who was a little fed up. So he went to see Grandma Planet to talk over his troubles.
Grandma Planet: What is up Little Johnny Planet?
Little Johnny Planet: I'm fed up, Gran.
Grandma Planet: Why so?
Little Johnny Planet: Because one half of me is always cold and in darkness. I want to be warm and light all over. It's not fair.
Grandma Planet: Are you sure that is really what you want?
Little Johnny Planet: Yes it is! And that Sun! She is always giving away her warmth and light to other planets! She is so fickle! Why can't she give more light and warmth to me? Then I could be warm and light all over.
Grandma Planet: I don't think the Sun makes choices, Johnny. Her warmth and light are for anyone and everyone.
Little Johnny Planet: Well it isn't fair! What about all that warmth and light that misses all the planets? What a waste!
Grandma Planet: Perhaps the Sun just enjoys giving out her warmth and light. There is a way that you can become warm and light all over, but I don't think you are going to like it.
Little Johnny Planet: Really? Tell me! Tell me!
Grandma Planet: While you are orbiting the Sun, Johnny, it is inevitable that only one side of you can be warmed and lit at any one time. If you want the warmth and light to reach all sides of you, you have to be not outside the Sun, but inside it.
Little Johnny Planet: Inside the Sun! Are you mad!? I will be totally consumed! There will be nothing left of me!
Grandma Planet: That's right, Johnny. Nothing left of you. You and the Sun will become as one. Now, are you still sure you want to be warm and light all over?
"Even in the darkest darkness of the night, the suns still shines. It is only your narrow point of view that makes it appear otherwise." Happy Cow
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