Welcome to the first ever edition of Happy Cow's Weekly Moos! I hope you have enjoyed our
new website so far.
With Valentine's day fast approaching, of course we had to turn our attention to the theme of love. Some new articles
have been added to the website just in time!
In the article Love, regular contributor Pete Hughes argues that the popular romantic notion of 'The One' is very damaging
and actually prevents people from finding real love and happiness. Read more ...
Happy Cow has recently been reading the book The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz.
In his parable The Magical Kitchen, Ruiz explains why so many romantic relationships lead to disappointment and how we can avoid this.
Read more ...
This week Happy Cow also received a moving letter from a reader asking for her advice about bullying in the workplace.
You can read the letter and Happy Cow's sensational advice by clicking here.
It's not too late to send some Happy Cow Valentine's e-cards. Just go to the Happy Cow home page and
then click on the 'Send E-Cards' link. Go on! Make some people feel loved!
So long for now!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good.
What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
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If you have an inspiring tale or some interesting philosophy to share with us, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to