Welcome to issue 101 of Happy Cow's Weekly Moos! This issue should not be confused with Orwell's Room 101, which is a fictional room, and not a newsletter. :-)
Like An End
Pete Hughes fails to avoid the tricky subject of death once more in this Einstein-style microscopic molecule ride.
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Again, Fishing in the River
The river and I share a secret that all the angels have been listening to for eternity. We share the same name. Stretching out the hand to grasp the grains. Upon the head of a needle countless lungs are saying, saying, saying.
Wade in ...
In As Many Ways
In the soul soup where bones dissolve, in the stock of you and I, till all remembering is forgotten and I know not your face or mine.
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Random Quotes - Woody Allen
This week we inject a bit of humour by featuring the Random Quotes Generator page of the prolific comedian, writer, director and actor, Woody Allen.
Go random! ...
Blast from the Past - Love Hurts?
For those of you who are new to Happy Cow, we have decided to include a random article from the archives. Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, thank you so very much and you may have seen this before!
Read Love Hurts ...
All New Daily Moos!!!
Don't forget that you can give yourself a little pick-me-up every day by visiting the all new Happy Cow's Daily Moos page. New quotes and videos are being added regularly, and there are now over 260 moos in the collection.
Well, why didn't you say so? ...
Please Sign Our Guestbook!
If you haven't done so already, please consider taking a few minutes to tell us what you think about the Happy Cow website by writing something on the Happy Cow Guestbook.
Don't forget, if you like anything on the Happy Cow website, please help spread the love and happiness by passing it on to your friends, and if you like to put pen to paper and want to see your name in lights, please feel free to send us your contributions!
Have a shennanigan-filled week, fellow pasture dwellers!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred." - Woody Allen
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If you have an inspiring tale or some interesting philosophy to share with us, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to