Fools' Gold
Pete Hughes tells an allegorical tale which raises the question whether our society's championing of goal striving and achievement leads people to miss out on all that life has to offer.
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Insecure Security
Echoing the arguments put forth by Pete Hughes in the article Get Busy Living, Eve Ensler, writer of the Vagina Monologues and worldwide campaigner against the subjugation of women, explores our modern craving for security - and why it makes us less secure. Watch this short TED video for inspiring and heartbreaking stories of women making change. Ensler argues that it is crucial that humanity learns to honour women because doing so is equal to honouring life itself. Happy Cow wholeheartedly agrees!
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My Daughter's Anger
Cate from London has been feeling lost, with no idea how to understand or deal with her young daughter's frequent anger and despair. Happy Cow explains that Cate should not try to change how her daughter is feeling, but concentrate on changing how she herself is feeling.
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Have a super spiffing weekend, everyone!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"This is what enlightenment is all about - a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will work, you will have a chit-chat, you will sing, you will dance - what else is there to do?" - Osho
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