The Have To Bees
A jolly little rhyme by Swifty Flame-Anderson about thought's interfering little buzzy busy bodies.
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Until I Befriend My Fear
Judith Froemming's simply beautiful short poem encourages us to make friends with the darker side of Life.
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Random Quotes - Walt Whitman
Still labuoring under our terrible unyielding yoke, our resident JavaScript elf has churned out yet another Random Quote Generator. This time it features legendary American poet Walt Whitman.
Oh captain, my captain! ...
Blast from the Past
For those of you who are new to Happy Cow, we have decided to include a random article from the archives. Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, thank you so very much and you may have seen this before!
Read The Emotional Amplifier ...
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Have a fantastigorical week, incredibubbles!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"A true friend stabs you in the front." - Oscar Wilde
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