Hearing Voices
Some of you may not be too surprised to hear that Pete Hughes hears voices in his head. In this article he explains how he is able to choose his mood by deciding which ones to listen to..Could you benefit from doing the same?
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How many of us live our lives according to one or more roles we have assigned to ourselves, or which have been assigned to us by others, instead of choosing who and what we want to be in each moment of each day? Pete Hughes remembers a great role model who reminds us that we can be whoever we want to be, whenever we want to be.
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Father And Son
Nick from Liverpool's parents separated some time ago and although Nick feels he has come to terms with the separation, he feels a strong dislike for his father's new girlfriend. Happy Cow urges Nick to take responsibility for his own feelings and allow his father to make his own life choices. .
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The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." - William Shakespeare
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