Warm Or Cold
After Pete Hughes became a father for the first time, he had a recurring dream about his daughter and a paddling pool. He did not understand the symbolism until years later.
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Spilt Milk
Pete Hughes also recalls a harrowing incident from his childhood which has remained a vivid memory in his mind to this day. Like all difficult life experiences, he now realises it has ultimately taught him a very valuable lesson.
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The Story Of Artemis
Don Miguel Ruiz recounts a tale from Greek and Roman mythology in which the themes of love and possession are explored. It seems that our storytellers have long been aware of the lesson that searching for love and happiness outside of ourselves is a futile endeavour.
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Have a smashing and lovely weekend, everyone!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else." - Peyton Conway March
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