Swifty Flame-Anderson dons his rhyming hat again to create for us a poem about his rediscovery of self-acceptance.
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The Gloves
In this allegorical tale, a man manages to catch himself a leprechaun and looks forward to his prize of treasure. But the leprechaun's cunning trickery and knowledge of human nature means he is not beaten yet.
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A recent UK government TV campaign to combat abuse in teenage relationships includes a video which brilliantly illustrates the concept we often refer to on the Happy Cow website as presence or 'awareness'.
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Silly Hat Appeal
Happy Cow co-founder and retired contributor Pete Hughes has launched an appeal for silly hats to add to his collection which is used in the important work of being a great big mad idiot.
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Blast From the Past
For those of you who are new to Happy Cow, we have decided to include a random article from the archives. Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, thank you so very much and you may have seen this before!
What will it be this week? ...
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Have a wide awake weekend, everyone!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"Before you set about trying to solve your problems, take a while to make sure you didn't just make them up." - Happy Cow
The Happy Cow website and all articles on it are created entirely voluntarily and free of charge. However, if you feel that anything on the site has been of value to you, you may wish to make a voluntary contribution to the upkeep of the site. Click on the 'Donate' button below.
If you have an inspiring tale or some interesting philosophy to share with us, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to