Welcome to issue 5 of Happy Cow's Weekly Moos! We hope you are all continuing to enjoy our new website.
Get Busy Living
Inspired by a very famous line from the film The Shawshank Redemption, Pete Hughes wonders how many of us are busy dying instead of busy living.
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Missing Him
Remarkably talented young writer Kiki Elizabeth Gregg returns to grace the Happy Cow site with a short but very beautiful piece about the mixed feelings of relief and loss at the end of a relationship.
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I Feel...
This week Happy Cow is very pleased to welcome a new contributor, Charmaine Nelson, who shares with us a moving poem written at a time of dark emotion.
Don't forget, if you like anything on the Happy Cow website, please help spread the love and happiness by passing it on to your friends, and if you like to put pen to paper and want to see your name in lights, please feel free to send us your contributions!
Have a double groovy weekend!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
The Happy Cow website and all articles on it are created entirely voluntarily and free of charge. However, if you feel that anything on the site has been of value to you, you may wish to make a voluntary contribution to the upkeep of the site. Click on the 'Donate' button below.
If you have an inspiring tale or some interesting philosophy to share with us, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to