Lies Deny Truth
Friend of Happy Cow Jodene Shaer bravely exposes her human frailty by admitting that she lied to someone special. Read Jodene's fascinating description of the internal struggle which was eventually won by her ego.
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Pete Hughes recalls a magical day last autumn when he had a Francis of Assisi moment at the Botanical Gardens in Sheffield. In this light-hearted tale, he ponders what it must be like to be a squirrel.
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Sweets From A Stranger
Happy Cow received a letter from Leigh in Sheffield who has been struggling with making sure that her young daughter is aware of the world's dangers, while at the same time not wishing to judge people prematurely. In her reply to Leigh's letter, she attempts to help Leigh make sense of these conflicting feelings.
Pools on Inspiration Peak
Originally written for the Happy Cow site and featured in Weekly Moos Issue 10, Pete Hughes' story Pools was recently published on Inspiration Peak. If you enjoyed Pools, please consider taking a moment to vote for the story on Inspiration Peak by following the link below and clicking on the stars at the bottom of the story. While you are there, why not have a browse around the rest of this wonderful site.
Vote for Pools...
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Have a super and splendid weekend, everyone!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, or how you love, It matters only THAT you love." - John Lennon
The Happy Cow website and all articles on it are created entirely voluntarily and free of charge. However, if you feel that anything on the site has been of value to you, you may wish to make a voluntary contribution to the upkeep of the site. Click on the 'Donate' button below.
If you have an inspiring tale or some interesting philosophy to share with us, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to