Welcome to issue 116 of Happy Cow's Weekly Moos! Our apologies for the recent break in service during which Happy Cow was attending the 18th Annual International Grass Tasting Festival in Northern Italy for her summer vacation, and while she was away, we all just went down the local pub for some dangerously heavy drinking and a mammoth tournament of Pretend To Be A Celebrity Darts, which was eventually won by Swifty pretending to be Big Norm from Cheers. In a nail-biting final, Swifty (Norm) narrowly beat Eric The Barman pretending to be Liza Minnelli after a sudden-death tie breaker which had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Swifty adds the 2012 title to his two other victories won in 2006 as Hermann Goering and 2010 as Carmen Miranda, and reclaims his spot at Number 2 in the WPTBACDA Rankings.
Search For The Hero
Swifty Flame-Anderson takes us on a trip back to his childhood via a rather rambling route to ponder the nature of heroism.
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Q & A 5
More questions and answers that have been fished directly from the Thought Pool and typed out while they were still wet and flapping about. What does Gollum from the Lord of the Rings have in common with Spiritual Seekers?
I wants it! ...
Love's Song
Upon the clatter of a broken tile, all I had learned was at once forgotten. Amending my nature is needless. Pursuing the task of everyday life, I walk along the ancient path. I am not disheartened in the mindless void. Wheresoever I go, I leave no footprint. For I am not within colour or sound.
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Random Quotes - Virginia Woolf
This week we introduce our random quotes generator featuring the unmistakable feminine perspective of English writer and publisher, Virginia Woolf.
Who's afraid? ...
Blast from the Past - Changing Perspective
For those of you who are new to Happy Cow, we have decided to include a random article from the archives. Those of you who have been with us since the beginning, thank you so very much and you may have seen this before!
Read Changing Perspective ...
All New Daily Moos!!!
Don't forget that you can give yourself a little pick-me-up every day by visiting the all new Happy Cow's Daily Moos page. New quotes and videos are being added regularly, and there are now over 260 moos in the collection.
Well, why didn't you say so? ...
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If you haven't done so already, please consider taking a few minutes to tell us what you think about the Happy Cow website by writing something on the Happy Cow Guestbook.
Don't forget, if you like anything on the Happy Cow website, please help spread the love and happiness by passing it on to your friends, and if you like to put pen to paper and want to see your name in lights, please feel free to send us your contributions!
Have an elephantastic week, fellow dream-weavers!
The Happy Cow Newsletter Team :-)
"As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world." - Virginia Woolf
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