The following questions and answers have all been fished directly from the Thought Pool and typed out while they were still wet and flapping about. The question will likely arise, 'Who is asking the questions? Who is answering?' A very good question! As usual, when we really look closely into it, we have no idea who is doing either.
Q: What is real?
A: The question pre-supposes that reality is something. Hence it begins with 'what'. Such is the immense pre-occupation with the assumption of being, or existence that usually accompanies thought. What is this? What is that? Stop and step back a little in perspective. Remove the 'what' from the questions. Ask without the assumption of being or existence. It has not yet been established WHETHER reality IS and already it is being asked what reality is. The cart is being put before the horse.
Q: How did you eliminate doubt?
A: By doubting completely; by seeing clearly that ALL thought is false, or if you prefer, fictional. Once this is seen, what is there left to assert or deny? What is there left to doubt? Absolute doubt and total doubtlessness, or total certainty are one and the same. Once again it has come full circle. All is nothing. Nothing is all.
Q: Tell me how you freed yourself.
A: I didn't. There is not now, nor ever has there been any such thing as an 'I' or a 'self'. Both are just ideas that come and go - like any other repeating pattern.
It is like saying when it is sunny: 'How did the rain rid the rain of that rainy rain?'
Imagine that instead of identifying with a human body, or a thought collection, identification is with rain.
There is the idea 'I am rain'.
But for some reason the idea has arisen 'it is not OK to be rain' and so there is this constant search by rain to work out how to not be rain.
And then suddenly there is no rain. The sun comes out. The clouds have cleared.
Now, where is the identity? And who was the cause of the end of rain? What method was used to end it?
All the questions are absurd. They have no meaning. There are not any causes or doers of anything, and all imagined identity is with a temporary passing pattern, and as such cannot be a true identity.
No identity is ever real.
Q: What do we need to do to attain the state which you are in?
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