The following questions and answers have all been fished directly from the Thought Pool and typed out while they were still wet and flapping about. The question will likely arise, 'Who is asking the questions? Who is answering?' A very good question! As usual, when we really look closely into it, we have no idea who is doing either.
Q: Is spiritual practice necessary?
A: Necessary for whom?
Q: For me? Should I do some sort of spiritual practice?
A: This 'you' about which the question is being asked, where is it?
Q: Right here in front of you.
A: In front of who? There are two human bodies appearing. But these characters 'me' and 'you'. Where are those? Go fetch them and bring them here so they can be examined. Then it can be decided whether either of them needs to do any spiritual practice.
Q: But they are already here!
A: Are they? Where abouts? There seem to be just these two human bodies.
Q: This body is me!
A: Is it? Oh! Well, why don't you ask it then. Ask it whether it needs to do any spiritual practice and see what answer you get.
Q: That is absurd! Are you mocking me?
A: Not at all. If the body is you, and the question is whether you need to do any spiritual practice, then who is better qualified to answer about this potential need? It is very obvious and clear about other needs. Hunger, thirst, toilet visit time ..... so why do you expect it to be all coy about this need?
Q: But the body cannot answer me. It cannot speak, unless I make it speak.
A: It cannot? Ah! So perhaps it isn't you after all. Now, this 'you' character. Where is it now? Come on! Let's track it down! Must be around here somewhere.
Q: The mind is me. That controls the body.
A: The mind? OK. Where is that? Go fetch the mind and it can be inspected for needs.
Q: I cannot fetch it. It isn't visible. It isn't solid. It isn't something that can be fetched.
A: Oh, really? So what reason is there to suspect that there is such a thing, never *mind* that this not visible, not solid, and yet for some odd reason still believed in thing is 'you'?
Q: But if I do not look after this body, won't it lose its job, neglect its children, starve to death, or step in front of a car?
A: Try it and see. Already no attention is being paid whatsoever to the vast majority of the body's life-sustaining functions. Respiration, homeostasis, immune response, digestion, growth and repair ... all just carry on by themselves. In most cases, if that thought collection referred to as 'I' suddenly had to control these things, it would be totally hopeless, having no idea whatsoever how to co-ordinate or direct any of these bodily functions. Even if that 'I' is a Professor of Human Biology, there would be way too much information to consciously process, even during just one second. Just watch closely and you will soon realise that 'you' are not looking after the body in any way and never have been.
Q: What happens when we die?
A: What makes you think that you will die? This 'you' that is going to die, where is it? Are you referring to a human body? What happens is that the molecules gradually disperse and take on some other form via various natural processes. They do not really die as such at all, they just shift into another pattern. Or are you perhaps referring to this mysterious character that inhabits that body? Where is it now? While 'you' are 'alive', where is this body inhabiter character? Go fetch it and perhaps it can be examined, to see if there are any differences between it 'alive' and it 'dead'. Perhaps a Nonentityometer can be used to take the measurements.
Q: But what is the point of it all?
A: It's that sharp bit at the end of it all.
Q: Are you self-realised? Enlightened?
A: Ha ha! Just stick with 'Am I?' No need to bother with further qualifications until that one has been sorted out.
Q: Are you saying that if I see someone in distress I should not bother helping because none of it is real?
A: There is no choice in the matter. The body which is being referred to as 'you' may or may not be observed helping the person in distress. What happens isn't under anyone's control. It is a bit like someone sitting in a cinema who has been hypnotised into thinking that they are the main character in the movie. That person then starts deliberating over whether they should do this or do that within the plot of the movie. Their deliberation will make no difference whatsoever to what happens on screen.
Q: How can we be sure that what you are saying is true?
A: You can't. It isn't. No-one has ever spoken the Truth.
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