The following questions and answers have all been fished directly from the Thought Pool and typed out while they were still wet and flapping about. The question will likely arise, 'Who is asking the questions? Who is answering?' A very good question! As usual, when we really look closely into it, we have no idea who is doing either.
Q: You seem at ease with all this, whereas I am not. Why is this? What's different about you and I?
A: Both are imaginary. So there really isn't anyone to be either at ease or not at ease. What is the difference between imaginary tree 1 and imaginary tree 2? Whatever is imagined.
Q: What, who imagines? What is that, where did it come from, what's it up to?
A: There is no need to answer questions based on assumption. The notion that things happening must be 'done by someone' is just an assumption. If the assumption is not taken up, the question just dissolves.
Q: If something or someone is imaginary, doesn't this imply the existence of an imaginer?
A: No, it doesn't imply that in any way.
Q: How so?
A: That can be assumed, but the assumption is optional. It is like one can assume that the orbit of Jupiter is controlled by 'God' or that it just happens. Imagination just happens.
Q: LOL, I am running out of questions. So there exists that which imagines?
A: If imagined so, yes. If not, no. All is just assumption built on top of assumption .... When all the assumptions are examined, the whole house of cards collapses. That is why the questions start to run out.
Q: How far left is up?
A: Giraffe.
Q: So you live in this state ?
A: No-one has ever lived.
Q: I suppose what I'm asking is are you what people would call awakened, because I hope that this isn't just intellectual spiritualised gymnastics. I am asking do you truly believe what you are saying is true?
A: Nothing that is said or written is ever true. Only assumption is available in the realm of thought. Once the assumptions are all gone, there isn't anything left to discuss. Absolute Silence prevails. First just stick with 'Am I?' before worrying about 'What am I?', 'Am I awakened?' etc.
Let's not put the cart before the horse. Am I? Once that is examined, the idea awakened or not awakened becomes rather laughable.
Q: Do you mean am I Jeremy?
A: No, just 'Am I?'
Q: Do I exist at all?
A: Forget about what comes after the I. Until the Primary Assumption has been examined, what comes after it is irrelevant.
Q: I mean does the question "AM I?" intended to ask do I exist , not does Jeremy exist?
A: The Primary Assumption is 'I am'. Challenge it. Examine it. See whether it is actually the case. It really doesn't matter what comes after 'I am ...' until the validity of the 'I am' has been established or otherwise. It is like asking 'Is this imaginary leprechaun an imaginary goat?' There is no point to the question unless it can be established that the leprechaun is not imaginary.
Q: I don't know how to do that, I'm stuck ! To be honest, I am really tired of trying to even to know where to begin, to figure that out!
A: Are you? How can it possibly be established whether you are stuck or not stuck, tired or not tired, when it has not even been established whether you are at all? The point is not to figure something out, but to realise that something is being repeatedly taken for granted as already figured out, when in fact has not been. It is just an assumption. The expectation is not that suddenly some profound knowledge will be gained to answer the question, but that the so-called 'knowledge' that is already in place will be seen as totally fraudulent.
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