Come out with us, out with us! Come join the fun!
There's adventure to have and a prize to be won.
A whole world of choices and things to explore,
And when those are finished, some more and some more.
Sit down for a while and look into this face.
This simple contentment does not need the chase,
Does not need a prize or to be entertained,
Its nature is such that it stays self-sustained.
Come out with us, out with us! Come on, you fool!
Have a drink in the pub or a splash in the pool.
Get on the dance floor and encounter The Power,
Instead of remaining a dullard wall-flower.
Sit down for a while and observe the dis-ease,
The sole motivation is only to please
An insatiable wanting that never concludes,
Always trying to fix the unfixable moods.
Expansion-contraction, the Cosmic Heart beats,
Sometimes saving the world, sometimes warming a seat.
Pa-dum, pa-dum - rhythmical certainty drums
As the Existence Harpist continually strums.
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