Hope Salesman, Hope Salesman,
He's met you before
In the bottle of vodka,
And the street corner whore.
Hope Salesman, Hope Salesman,
Same schpeel every day.
Things can only get better
If we do things your way.
Hope Salesman, Hope Salesman,
Seems you're everywhere,
Political snake oil,
Religious malware.
Relentless advertisements,
Teachers as well,
Trade our now for the future,
Soon all will be well.
Drug pushers illegal
And legal he sees
Set up shop in pub toilet
Or doc's surgeries.
Hope Salesman, Hope Salesman,
This time he won't buy
As he's seen the deceit
As he looked in your eye.
Now he's noticed the con
He will not any longer
Buy empty false promises
From no scruples Hope Monger.
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