[The following accumulation of verbal belly button fluff has been kindly shared with us by Happy Cow's good friend Simon Drew. When he is not busy having a ball, Simon can be found holding a bat, owning some stumps, possessing a pair of wicket keeper's gloves and running the online groups English Stuff and H.A.T.S.T.A.N.D.(O.N.). If you were indelibly stained by Simon's poem, why not show your appreciation by clicking on the 'Like' button at the bottom below. Alternatively, you could streak in front of Princess Anne at next year's Badminton Horse Trials and when the tabloids ask you why you did it, say it is because you were temporarily hypnotised by Simon's epic poetry. Enjoy!]
Lint on a trouser leg
Coffee stain on a vine
A different coloured clothes peg
A beer mug filled with wine.
Well-corrupted hard disk
Lying on wooden floor
An uninvited wind
which keeps knocking at the door.
Ants behind the eye ball
sheep waiting at the gate
flies swimming in water glass
waiting for their fate.
Invisible rainbow parrot
sitting in the corner
drunken artist moaning
"I swear I never drawn 'er!"
Suns all rise to darkness
stars all join the queue
french fries are on special
and the sky ain't really blue.
Waiting for an error
a break in unbroken line
a window to the darkness
away from fucked and fine.
The toys are playing dominoes
the fish are doing tours
and men beside the river
are trying different lures.
A thousand feet on concrete
a cacophony of desire
green then red then green again
the city all on fire.
The trains belt out the drum beat
the hawks run through the sewers
behind an inch of solid glass
lie a thousand cures.
The air keeps on moving
gathers nothing as it goes
and the water keeps flowing
from the cleaner's hose.
Washing off the sidewalk
all gone down the drain
coins, and hearts, and eye lashes
all one and the same.
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