[In the following poem, Happy Cow's fine friend Simon Drew has taken a break from those posh grown up poems that don't even rhyme to bring us something that all us hip and groovy street kids can rap along with. When he is not busy mood doodling, Simon can be found ungardening, deconcentrating, disdefining and running the online groups English Stuff and H.A.T.S.A.N.D.O.N.. If you enjoyed Simon's rhythmic rhyming, why not leave a comment at the bottom of this page. You can sign in to the comments widget using your Facebook or Google accounts, or just leave a message without signing in. Or just click on the 'Like' button instead. Enjoy!]
30 frames a second
it comes down with the rain
boxes line the road side
infinity explained
30 frames a second
fast the arrow darts
you can call the wolf down from the mountains
but cannot take its heart
shoes lie in the gutter
here the water comes
exhaust pipes are the bellows
and cast iron roofs the jungle drums
look now from here to there
capture each image in a square
the past has burnt up the memory
the thoughts are dancing merrily
a moment laughs back into itself
all sold back onto the shelf
the cashier feeding on receipts
no where to go, no retreat
beating on these dirty feet
"In nature nothing is at standstill, everything pulsates, appears and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and waking - birth and death - everything comes and goes in waves. Rhythm, periodicity, harmonious alternation of extremes is the rule. No use rebelling against the very pattern of life." Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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