She was compelled to strive by imagined regret.
This imagined bad feeling had not happened yet,
And before the idea of it came into view,
There'd been no reason either to do or not do.
Then along came a tale-teller full of predictions
And made her imagine these future afflictions
That were certain to come if her dos and don't dos
Were not all lined up with imagined virtues.
So she strove and she strove to fit into this groove,
Trying to get things done, trying to improve.
"Get somewhere, do something, be best you can."
Was the mantra she'd learned from Regret Seller Man.
Then suddenly one day that future was here
And an old lady looked back with hindsight so clear,
With her cataract eyes she looked and plainly saw
If she'd only done less then she could have been more.
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