[The following cosmic cha cha was kindly shared with us by Happy Cow's good friend Simon Drew. When he is not busy complimenting Oompah Loompahs, Simon can be found raising objections, objecting to raisins, doing without outdoing and running the online groups English Stuff and International Monthly Hatstand Day. If you have finished riding on an electron, why not leave a comment at the bottom of this page? You can sign in to the comments widget using your Facebook or Google accounts, or just leave a message without signing in. Or just click on the 'Like' button instead. Enjoy!]
This body shakes
who made this word 'body'?
and who would believe
that just writing this word
is enough?
There are no answers
This love
is not of you
it is not even the sun hitting the metal roof
of the convenience store on the corner
the internal combustion engine
there is no spirit 'love'
walking beside these things
like a child holding her mother's hand
Who spoke this word 'love'
and pretend that would be enough?
Who sang the songs of time, and grace
and substances?
Who sang these atoms into being?
Who sang us into sleep?
No one, two, three...
This body
is more a ghost
This body is the stars too
the laughter of the waves
the call of the crow
and the forgotten tax return
this body is alone
with itself
this body is all the singing
it is singing to itself
this song is quiet and loud
but has no volume
this song, this body, this love
These words
all origin is dreamed
this body is the dream too
the dream songs of time and dust
thumbs and fingers and pinnacles
snow on the plain
dust and dust and dust
singing to itself
Love is no companion
it was not, is not,
There is no place to begin
nor a land to return to
no escape, yet always free
complaints, among countless stars
the valley is painted with the eyes
and the valley paints the eyes
eyes upon eyes upon eyes
is there anywhere to go?
deeper, deeper
movement is a dream, too
change is a dream, too
always back, always back,
back to the wonder
back to the unknowable
back to
infinite body
empty body
"Love says 'I am everything'. Wisdom says 'I am nothing'. Between the two, my life flows." Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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