The teacher tried to tell him that it was a waste of time
Writing little stories and ensuring that they rhyme.
She tried to make it clear that he'd be better off employing
His energy to study Shakespeare, rather than enjoying
His own effortless talent, which flowed out so naturally.
She said that this just would not do and that he had to be
More serious about the work set for him by the school,
Instead of making people laugh by acting like a fool.
"Of course, Miss!" our young poet laughed. "I'll follow your advice,
"And crush this unique gift in your big Conformity Vice,
"And then maybe I'll make it to the front of this rat race.
"The joy that such a move will bring is written on your face,
"And reflected in the grey-brown clothes, monotone voice and frown,
"Or perhaps I'll just stay off the rails so that train can't mow me down."
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