Feeling sorry for its cold, dark plight,
Day decided to try and fix The Night.
It was sure that it just could not be right
To be limited to star and moon light.
First Day brought out a self-help book
And invited The Night to take a look,
It was sure this would be all that it took
To get The Night off that darkness hook.
But The Night didn't seem to change a bit,
Despite all the effort Day put into it.
Day was furious at the ungrateful git,
But vowed this would not be the end of it.
Next Day made a series of videos
And sent The Night various links to those.
Day was sure The Night could not turn up its nose
At the hypnotic words and pics it chose.
But still The Night stayed as it was before.
And it made Day feel angry to the core.
It seemed The Night just didn't want to be more
Than it was (such a dull and gloomy bore).
"Why can't this stubborn dark eedjit see
That the best way to be is to be like ME?
Full of light and with everything easy to see
Is so obviously the right way to be!"
But The Night was at peace with the way things are
And did not need a book or a seminar,
Nor some other Light Fascism 'blah blah blah'.
And just calmly and firmly kept saying, 'No, ta.'
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